Equipping Workshops
Mental Health in Ministry:
Equipping You for the Mental Health Needs in Your Congregation
For Pastors, Clergy, Church Staff & Lay Leaders
When: Thursday, September 26th, 2024
Time: 8:30AM-3:30PM
Location: Lima Community Church | Journey Building
2945 N. Cole St. Lima
Cost: FREE​
Breakfast & Lunch Provided!
Pastors, clergy, church staff and lay leaders are desperately needed partners in the mission of decreasing the mental health crisis in our community. Serving on the front lines in your church gives you an up close and personal view of the current mental health concerns and relational pain facing your congregation and the greater community at large. You have a unique opportunity to speak hope and healing into these struggles. Cornerstone would like to partner with you, equip you, encourage you, and strengthen you to see yourself as an integral part of the team bringing the hope of Jesus into the mental health needs all around us.
Attendees will:
Gain a better understanding and practical tools to address depression/anxiety, grief and loss, interpersonal communication and conflict resolution skills, and addiction and recovery issues
Learn and implement the Seven Principles of Compassion in Action for caring for individuals and families dealing with mental illness
Receive practical step-by-step tools to help you know when and where to refer if necessary
Process how to talk about the intersection of mental health and faith in a healthy and helpful way—how the phrases and words we use can move people toward truth and healing and which ones can hinder healing
Be trained in QPR (Question, Persuade, Refer), Suicide Prevention and gatekeeper training
Take away practical resources, assessment tools, and worksheet/handouts that can assist you in your ministry
In addition, each attendee will receive a follow-up call from a Cornerstone counselor to process learning received during the training or questions that have arisen, how to address a specific concern in your church, and/or how you are implementing tools to serve as part of the team addressing the mental health crisis with the hope of Jesus in our community!
Healthy Leader Workshop & Lunch: Courageous Leadership-Facing the Hard Things
When: Wednesday, Oct 23rd, 2024
Time: 11:45AM-1:00PM
Location: Lima Community Church | Chapel Room
Located in the Main Building | 2945 N Cole St, Lima​
Cost: $25​ per person | Lunch Provided​
It’s inevitable that leaders will face hard things. From difficult decisions, challenging interactions with people and aspects of the job that fall outside their comfort zone, leaders are often facing moments that feel unsettling. When leaders begin to face these difficult moments in courageous ways, they become more effective, their team’s respect increases, and their confidence as a leader grows.
Leaders will learn:
What is happening in the brain and body when leaders face something difficult, uncertain, challenging
Methods to overcome barriers of internal messages, emotions, and physical reactions that keep leaders in fight, flight or freeze (defend/accuse, distract, avoid) when faced with hard things
How to respond internally and externally when you receive difficult feedback
The tools to equip and invite teams to lean into hard things and the benefits of doing so on the effectiveness of the work environment
The gift of modeling “doing hard things” for your team
Perinatal Motherhood: Navigating Pregnancy & Postpartum Women's Workshop
Check Back For January 2025 Date!
Whether you are a seasoned mom or expecting your first child, each pregnancy and postpartum experience can bring both new joys and different challenges- and we’re not meant to walk this journey alone! This relaxed workshop atmosphere creates a space to learn how to navigate the pregnancy and postpartum time in your life, all while connecting with other moms. Participants will learn:
How their brain is wired
Common changes to the brain during pregnancy and postpartum
Skills to navigate mental health and other mood changes during the perinatal period
How to increase confidence in motherhood
Where to access additional support when needed